

Last night, I laid awake in bed in the middle of the night with details on my mind. June is going to be a very busy, and I am trying to keep a thousand details in order. I think lists are going to be my best friend for a while, or at least they may help maintain some sanity. As I was thinking about details this morning, I was reminded that perspective makes all the difference in how we see them, whether they are a bother or show love. Yes, love!

I read Proverbs 14:4 (NKJV) – “Where no oxen are, the trough is clean; but much increase comes by the strength of an ox.” This is totally a perspective changer. If cleanliness is a priority, an ox making a big mess is a nuisance. If you want to grow and make progress, then an ox is a necessity and you put up with the mess knowing how much benefit you receive. For many years, this was my “fingerprints on the glass door” verse reminding me that raising kids was a messy business too. It gave me perspective for years of streaks and slime that graced my front door for all to see.

I was also reading a section of the Old Testament which recounted in detail all the land that was divvied out amongst the tribes of Israel in the Promised Land. The Book of Joshua records cities, villages, streams, valleys, mountains and borders listed in such detail. I have to admit it was a bit of a “yawn” because I can’t picture them in my mind and have no real understanding of the location. I recalled a few familiar names – Hebron, Kadesh Barnea, Bethel. Why such detail? For the Israelites, this was familiar and very specific. I think it might be like fencing in the back yard, because everyone would clearly know the boundaries. Details matter with God even to the point of including them in His Word… His Story… history.

How are details a blessing? They are the smallest of the small. If someone is detail-oriented, he or she will notice these. They find pleasure in making the myriad of details just right so that the larger thing is glorious. Think of the Royal Wedding of Harry and Megan. Whew! Many people behind the scenes paid great attention to detail to make it the spectacle that it was. God is that way, too. He knows the number of hairs on our head (a constantly changing number), when we sit down and when we rise, our thoughts and intentions of our hearts. At times, He will pull off something that brings us joy that no one else even knew about. Those moments are very special and make us feel loved. A spouse, family member, or friend can do the same by remembering something important, a sentimental gift, or serving in a way that meets a need. Those details spell out a special kind of love.

I will assume that even though summer has arrived, you are still managing a great number of details. Let God help you manage and not be frustrated by them. These details are not meant to bring anxiety but to draw you to Him and let Him orchestrate them for His glory. I am saying all this mostly for my benefit this month. I will be repeating it often because, if I forget, the details will become a burden and rob me of my joy.

Pray hard… labor on…. love well!

John 1:29
John 3:3