Luke 7:38-50 Study Questions

Luke 7:38-50 Study Questions

Luke 7: 38-50 Study Questions:

  1. Who was hosting Jesus at the dinner, and who was the surprise visitor?
  2. What does the phrase “woman of the city” mean?
  3. Use a bible dictionary or the website to understand the term “anoint/anointed/anointing” and the Jewish customs surrounding it.
  4. What did the woman’s actions towards Jesus demonstrate about her heart and who she believed him to be?
  5. Why did Simon the Pharisee doubt that Jesus had prophetic powers? How did Jesus show that Simon was mistaken?
  6. How were Simon and the unwelcomed woman similar? How did they differ?
  7. Jesus’s story of the moneylenders describes the joy experienced over canceled debt. How does this foreshadow the debt Jesus will cancel with his life, death on the cross, and resurrection? How does it foreshadow the response of people to the debt that Jesus paid?
  8. The woman’s sinful history was known to all. How did Jesus reveal to Simon the sins in his heart that no one else could see? What were Simon’s sins?
  9. What does this teach us about man’s limitation to judge rightly the sins of others and why Jesus had the authority to forgive the woman’s sins?
  10. How are faith and salvation intertwined? How does faith bring peace?

Application Questions:

  1. Which of my sins are typically visible to others? Which ones tend to stay hidden in my heart?
  2. How has Jesus covered both my visible and invisible sin and how does this impact my attitude towards continuing in those sins?
  3. How have I been tempted to conclude/judge other people’s worthiness of my time and attention based on their past behaviors? How does meditating on Romans 5:8 remind me to show the love of Christ to all regardless of the past?
  4. In what ways can I be like the woman and show honor and gratitude towards Jesus, my savior?