Luke 9:18-27 Study Questions

Luke 9:18-27 Study Questions

Luke 9:18-27 Study Questions

Study Questions:

  1. What 2 questions did Jesus ask his disciples in verses 18-20 and how did the disciples respond?
  2. Why was it important for Jesus to see if his disciples knew who Jesus really was? Why does it continue to be an important question for people even today?
  3. Considering the cultural and political climate of Jesus’s day, why do you think Jesus commanded the disciples not to tell anyone who he really was?
  4. In vs 22, what truth did Jesus clearly teach about what was to come? What about this was difficult for the disciples to comprehend when considering their later behaviors around Christ’s crucifixion?
  5. What does the life of a true Christ follower look like according to vs.23-26?
  6. What does saying “no” to self when in a relationship with Christ practically look like?
  7. Read Colossians 2:20-3:17. How does this give greater insight and understanding of Matthew vs. 24 & 25 for you?
  8. How will one act if they are ashamed of Jesus and his words and what will be the consequences?
  9. Who are the ones that will not taste death until they see the kingdom of God? (hint, this is a preview to Luke 9:28-36.)

Application Questions:

  1. Does my daily life rhythms, choices, and behaviors demonstrate that I believe Jesus is the “Christ of God”? If yes, how? If no, what needs to change?
  2. What has God given me through Christ that enables me to pick up my cross daily?
  3. What has following Jesus cost me?
  4. What types of things fill my conversations and schedule, and at what frequency does Jesus appear in either?
  5. Is there anything in my life that would make Jesus ashamed to call me part of his family? How does Jesus cover even these sins and how does meditating on that promise impact what changes I will ask God to help me make going forward?