Luke 1:57-80 Study Questions

Luke 1:57-80 Study Questions

Luke 1:57-66 Study Questions:

  1. Define the word mercy and list the ways that the birth of John the Baptist was a great mercy from the Lord to Elizabeth.
  2. Use blue letter bible or some other commentary resource to research the naming practices of the Jewish people.  What did the people expect the child’s name to be and why?
  3. What happened when Zechariah confirmed what the baby’s name would be?
  4. How did God ignite attention and curiosity amongst the people through the birth of John?

Application Questions:

  1. How has God’s mercy in my life been a source of joy for both me and others?
  2. Naming the baby “John” showed both belief and obedience in the face of different expectations.  How can outside expectations collide with what God has called me to believe and obey?
  3. What can I be praising God for in my life right now and with whom will I share those praises?

Luke 1:67-80 Study Questions

  1. Read 2 Samuel 7:1-17 and Jeremiah 23:5-6, in addition to Zechariah’s prophecy, what house was the redeemer to come from and how does this show that God is omniscient, faithful and trustworthy?
  2. Zechariah mentions “salvation from our enemies”(vs. 71) and “rescue us from the hand of our enemies”(vs 74).  Who were the enemies from which the redeemer would deliver?
  3. According to the second half of vs. 74-75, what does salvation enable us to do? 
  4. What was John’s purpose prophesied to be according to vs. 76?
  5. What do God’s tender mercies bring to the lives of those He saves?
  6. How would living in the wilderness help prepare John for the day God would send him out to Israel?

Application Questions:

  1. How does a life of service to Jesus bring me more freedom than a life of self-service?
  2. What types of wilderness living has God allowed in my life to prepare me for what He has called me to do?
  3. If someone asked me “How has God saved you?” what would be my response?  Write out the answer below.