Luke 9:51-10:16 Study Questions

Luke 9:51-10:16 Study Questions

Luke 9:51-10:16 Study Questions

  1. What was the purpose of Jesus sending out messengers to a Samaritan village and how were the messengers received?
  2. What was James and John’s reaction to Samaritan opposition?
  3. Read Matthew 5:43-48.  What previous instruction had the disciples received from Jesus, and what does their reaction to the Samaritans reveal about what is in their heart?
  4. Read the parallel passage in Matthew 8:18-22.  What similarities and differences do you notice?
  5. What warnings did Jesus have for the man who was overly zealous and the two men that were hesitant to follow him?
  6. In what ways do people try to make following Jesus easy? 
  7. What instructions did Jesus give to the seventy-two and what was the message that was to be carried?
  8. In that time, “shaking the dust” from your feet was a sign of disdain by Jews after walking through gentile territory.  What was the reason the 72 were to wipe the dust from their feet and what message would that send?
  9. What had the cities of Chorazin, Bethsaida and Capernaum been privileged to receive that Sodom, Tyre & Sidon did not?
  10. Why does rejecting Jesus bring the most severe judgement?

Application Questions:

  1. Jesus’s obedience to God the Father was costly but resulted in a great reward.  How has following Jesus been both costly and rewarding in my life?
  2. How did I react the last time someone opposed, mistreated, or rejected me?  What is the condition of my heart towards that person/s now?
  3. Where do I tend to zealously speak of following Christ but then hesitate to obey?
  4. How can meditating on the work of Jesus at the cross help me to obey him in costly situations?
  5. What harvest field is God currently calling me to work in?
  6. How will consistent prayer for people that reject and oppose Jesus help me to have the right heart attitude towards them?
  7. How does the story of Jesus sending out the seventy-two encourage me to remember what God’s desire is towards me and all people?  What does this teach me about God’s character?