Posts from March 2022

Posts from March 2022

Luke 13:10-14:6 Study Questions

Luke 13:10-17 Study Questions 1. Where and when was Jesus’ teaching, and who caught his attention in verses 10-13? 2.  What did Jesus do for the woman and what was her first response? 3. How did the synagogue ruler react to the healing and to whom did he verbalize his indignation? 4. The ruler quoted Exodus 20:9-10, but what was the true heart position behind his indignance? 5. How did Jesus reveal the hypocrisy of the religious leaders? 6. What…

Luke 12:35-13:9 Study Questions

Luke 12:35-13:9 Study Questions 1. What are followers of Jesus to be like in verses 35-36? 2. What is different about how the master will treat the ready servants as compared to how an earthly master would normally interact with servants after a wedding feast? 3. Why must those who serve Jesus be ready at any hour and what does “being ready” entail? 4. What reward is waiting for the servants that are faithful and wise while they are waiting…

Luke 12:13-34 Study Questions

Luke 12:13-21 Study Questions 1. What did the person in the crowd want Jesus to do and what does this reveal about the man’s heart? 2. What is covetousness and what specific thing did Jesus warn not to covet?  3. Give examples of other things people tend to covet in addition to wealth? 4. In Jesus’ parable, what were the plans of the rich man, and what did he expect his plans to produce? 5. Why were the rich man’s…

Luke 12:1-12 Study Questions

Luke 12:1-12 Study Questions 1. What do we learn about the crowd in verse 1? 2. In what ways is a large crowd of people clamoring to see Jesus a temptation for the disciples? 3. What behavior or attitude did Jesus warn his disciples of? 4. How is hypocrisy like leaven (yeast) in the human heart? 5. How does the light of God’s truth work differently than the leaven of hypocrisy and why should the light NOT be hidden? 6.…