Revelation 8-9 Study Questions

Revelation 8-9 Study Questions

Romans 8 & 9 Study Questions:

  1. When the 7th seal was opened, what events followed in vs. 1-5?
  2. What did we learn was one of the prayers of the saints from the opening of the fifth seal in chapter 6 vs 10?
  3. What other references to trumpets have you noted in scripture and what were trumpets used for or to symbolize? (Hint: start in Rev. 1:9 and work backwards through scripture)
  4. What was the target of each judgement given with the first, second, third and fourth trumpet?  How will these judgements impact life as people know it?
  5. What parallels do you notice between the trumpet judgements and the Egyptian plagues in Exodus starting from Exodus 7:14 through Exodus 11?
  6. During the 4th trumpet, what cried “Woe, Woe, Woe to those who live on the earth, and what does the word “woe” mean?
  7. Where else do we see the word “woe” being used in scriptures? (Hints to start: Isaiah 5 & 6, Matthew 23:13-39) and for what message was “Woe” typically used?
  8. Who is most likely the star that John saw that had fallen from heaven to earth in 9:1? (Also note Luke 10:18 & Isaiah 14:12-14)
  9. What were the limitations/terms given to the army of locusts in regards to their destruction after the 5th trumpet was blown?
  10. Describe the appearances of the locust and the horses released to torment and destroy the human race.  What is your response to such horrific descriptions when thinking about yourself and others?
  11. What do you notice about the beliefs/actions/character of the remaining people who were not killed by these plagues of judgement?
  12. What do you learn about God’s mercy amidst His judgment at the end of chapter 9?
  13. Which of the 10 commandments were broken when considering chapter 9 vs. 20-21?
  14. What does this tell you about human capacity to repent apart from the work of Christ?

Application Questions:

  1. Read the Lord’s prayer in Matthew 6:9-13.  After studying the beginning judgements (seals and trumpets) in Revelations 6-9, how does this impact the way you think about the phrase “Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven?” 
  2. Note that there was silence in heaven and then supplication (humbly begging/requesting something).  How much silence does your prayer life hold versus supplication?  What are the benefits of intentional times of silence in prayer time?
  3. What do we learn about the impact of the prayers of righteous people to a holy God from chapter 8?  What comfort do you take from knowing God will judge justly when we have suffered unjustly in this life?
  4. Do you have any sins you have persisted in despite warnings, rebukes and perhaps even consequences of God’s merciful judgement?  Why?  
  5. In a world filled with idolatry, where might you be battling an idol that you could ask a fellow believer to pray for victory over?