Stonebrook Community Church’s beginnings date back to 1972 on the Iowa State University campus when a group of young Christian men and women came to Ames from the University of Kansas to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with ISU students. After just two weeks, God did an amazing work, as over one hundred students responded to the gospel and began meeting together with a desire to grow in their new-found faith.
From these beginnings, a vibrant college fellowship of several hundred college students and members of the Ames community quickly developed. Through the 1970’s and into the early 1980’s the church continued to reach out primarily to college students. Then in the mid-1980’s Stonebrook began to develop ministries to not only meet the needs of college students but also of young couples, families and working singles.
Since its inception, our church has been motivated by Jesus’ command in Matthew 28:19-20 to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…” and have sent out teams of people to start other churches on various college campuses and cities throughout the country and overseas. Today, over 35 pastors and 38 churches across the United States, in Canada, and in Asia can trace their roots back to Stonebrook. Stonebrook united with these and other like-minded churches as a member of the Great Commission Churches, an affiliation of approximately 100 churches in the US and abroad, which dissolved in 2020.
Today, Stonebrook seeks to continue to carry out The Great Commission in partnership with the Baptist Convention of Iowa, and Campus Fellowship.