Community Involvement

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CityServe is a Stonebrook Church ministry which aims to:

  • Be the physical manifestation of the hands and feet of Jesus in meeting the needs of our surrounding community.
  • Be outward focused helpers expressing our love for Jesus and our faith in him to do his good work in and through us.
  • To work as a body of believers united in Christ by providing intergenerational opportunities to connect within our local church family while serving the greater community.

CityServe originally began as an organized week of service created for youth that had recently aged out of participating in vacation bible school. As time passed, this week of service evolved into inviting youth age 12 and up as well as any adult who was interested in participating.

Now CityServe is expanding to offering organized opportunities to serve the community throughout the year in addition to the one concentrated week of service in the summer.

Upcoming Service Opportunities:

August 6, 2024: Hope in Christ Back to School Event

Sept 28, 2024: Obria Fall Fest
April 22, 2025: Stash the Trash

If you would like to join our CityServe group to be notified of upcoming service events or activities, please reach out to our church office at or (515) 232-6290.