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The Stonebrook Women's Ministry exists to support and encourage women in proclaiming the gospel and living gospel-centered lives through belief in, love for, and obedience to our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.

Our Aim

Love and obedience to God's word is put into action through consistent gathering for fellowship, in-depth bible study, discipleship, friendship, encouragement and accountability. Through this ministry, women find opportunities to display faith by loving and serving one another, the church body and the community at large. We aim to be women above reproach, to live and love by the power of the holy spirit, holding fast to and abiding in the righteousness of Christ given to us as a gift of grace.

2024/25 Planned Events

  • Women's Ministry Kick-off: This highly anticipated and well attended evening event is your chance to meet new friends and catch up with those you haven't seen over the summer. A worship time, fun party games followed by light refreshments and dessert served while the ministry theme and planned events for the upcoming year are shared.
  • Fall, Spring & Summer 6-8 week Bible Studies: The material for each bible study is thoroughly vetted by the Women's Ministry Director and the Lead Teaching Pastor.
  • Fall & Spring Skills Session: Join us for a morning of learning various skills from the gifting and experience of different women in our church family that you may find useful and handy in daily life.
  • Fall, Spring & Summer Half-Day Bible Study Event: These well-loved bible events are a chance to attend an entire morning filled with refreshsments, worship, scripture reading, scripture-focused discussion and solid expository teachings. The event ends with a lovely lunch together. Spots for each event are limited to 48 women total so don't delay your registration!
  • Women's Christmas Party: This is a fun, relaxed fellowship event for women to gather together to kick-off the Christmas season, being reminded of the reason for the season and the true joy we find in Jesus.
  • Women's Spring Retreat: We will wrap up the 2024/25 ministry year with a fun off-site retreat at Riverside Bible Camp. Take a night away from your usual routine to be encouraged and inspired in your walk with Jesus.

Get Involved

Women’s ministry provides multiple opportunities for women to connect in friendship while growing in their faith. To get involved, contact us here

Women's Ministry Planning Team

Summer Barber

Summer Barber

Communications, Women's Ministry

Andrea Halbloom

Andrea Halbloom

Women's Ministry

Sarah Mele

Sarah Mele

Women's Ministry

Stephanie Harris

Stephanie Harris

Women's Ministry

Ashley Heise

Ashley Heise

Women's Ministry

Loralynn Riggle

Loralynn Riggle

Women's Ministry Promotions

Naomi Dan Karami

Naomi Dan Karami

Women's Ministry

Lauren Davis

Lauren Davis

Women's Ministry

Anne Poincon

Anne Poincon

Women's Ministry

Kerri Peterson

Kerri Peterson

Women's Ministry