Exodus 15-16 Bible Study Questions
- List the attributes of God you see exclaimed by the song of Moses. Which one gives you the most comfort? Which one do you find most challenging to understand?
- The Israelites witnessed a miracle of salvation for their people. They say a song of praise and adoration to the Lord. And then they promptly began to grumble against Moses when they could not drink the water in the desert. Discomfort and fear drove discontentment and disparaging attitudes. In what ways are people fickle like the Israelites even today, even people within the church that claim to know and follow Jesus?
- How did the Lord solve the problem of bitter water for the Israelites in 15 vs. 25?
- What were the Lord’s ruling and instruction to the Israelites in 15 vs 26?
- Reflect and share the significance of the phrase “for I am the Lord, who heals you” as it applies to your own life.
- What was the Israelite’s heart attitude towards God and Moses after only a month and a half of being freed from Egyptian slavery?
- What was the test the Lord put forth to the Israelites in light of their worries about food? What were the results of the test?
- How was the importance of a Sabbath’s rest emphasized by the Lord to the Israelites?
- If I were to write my own song of adoration to the Lord, what memorable events, acts and attributes of the Lord would it include?
- What creature comforts, when denied, give me the most anxiety or discontentment? How do I handle that anxiety/discomfort and what does this teach me about myself?
- In what ways have I found contentment and strength in the Lord even when I don’t have or get what I want when I want it?
- When was the last time I was given straightforward instructions but chose not to follow it, not because the instructions opposed my Christian values but because either I didn’t want to or because I thought I knew a better way? Why did I have that type of attitude and how did it impact outcomes and relationships in my life?
- FUN QUESTION TIME: What two foods would you hope the Lord would give you to eat if you could only eat 2 foods for 40 years? How long do you think you could go without complaining about it?