Luke 2:41-52 Study Questions


Luke 2:41-52 Study Questions:

  1. Find a Bible map and identify the distance between Nazareth and Jerusalem.
  2. Read Exodus 23:14-17 & Deut. 16:16. What were the requirements of the law in regard to attending the Jewish festivals?
  3. Joseph & Mary assumed Jesus was with the caravan. What kind of suffering/emotions did they experience when they realized they had lost sight of Jesus? What kind of suffering happens when we lose sight of Jesus today?
  4. What strategy did Jesus’s parents employ first in their search? What could have they done instead?
  5. Where did Joseph and Mary find Jesus and what was he doing?
  6. How did Jesus interact with the teachers of the law, and what does this tell us about Jesus?
  7. Why were the teachers amazed by Jesus?
  8. What emotion did Mary say they experienced while searching for Jesus? How does sorrow/distress play a part in seeking Jesus today?
  9. How does Jesus’s response to Mary show his knowledge/understanding of his identity and emphasize his deity?
  10. Jesus responded in obedience to his earthly parents and returned to Nazareth when he could have continued to learn in the temple. How does this show his trust in God’s timing and faithfulness to God’s law?

Application Questions:

  1. What is the first action I take when I am in distressing circumstances? Who do I first look to for help?
  2. Is there anywhere in my life where I have “lost sight” of Jesus, where I am seeking other things above my Father in heaven?
  3. What treasures have I stored up about Christ in my heart and what daily/weekly practices are helping me grow in wisdom and understanding of God’s word?
  4. How has God used time and life circumstances to prepare me for his purposes?
  5. What ordinary things can I do in faithful obedience now, trusting God to use them in his timing and for his glory?
  6. Is there evidence in my life to a watching world that shows that Jesus is my Priest, King and Savior and what is that evidence?