Luke 7:1-17 Study Questions


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Luke 7:1-10 Believing without seeing
Luke 7:11-17 Seeing without believing

Main Truth: Following Jesus requires that we walk by faith not by sight. (2 Corinthians 5:7)

Luke 7:1-10 – Jesus heals the Centurion’s servant.

Study Questions:

  1. What was a Roman Centurion? Take time to research the typical dynamics between Roman officials and the Jews.
  2. What was unique about this Roman Centurion?
  3. What do the Centurion’s decisions and instructions say about what he believes about Jesus?
  4. How did the Centurion’s opinion of himself differ from other’s opinions of him?
  5. Why did Jesus marvel at the faith of the Centurion?
  6. Define/Explain the word “faith”.

Application Questions:

  1. Where am I tempted to find my “worthiness” in what the world recognizes as good?
  2. Who gives me my worth? Do my thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors align with the answer to the first part of this question? If not, why?
  3. How does the story of Jesus healing the Centurion’s servant help me turn to Jesus when I face difficult circumstances or need help?

Luke 7:11-17 – Jesus raises the widow’s son from death to life.

Study Questions:

  1. Compare/contrast the two great crowds that met at the city gate. What was the purpose and demeanor of each crowd?
  2. What were the ramifications in that time for a widow to lose her only son?
  3. What was Jesus’s reaction to the grieving widow? How do we see God the father in this reaction?
  4. Jesus spoke and the man sat up and began to speak. What does this tell you about Jesus’s power and authority over death?
  5. What were the people’s reactions to this miracle and their conclusions about Jesus? What types of conclusions do people come to about Jesus in our current time and culture?
  6. There is a popular phrase “Seeing is believing”. How does this section of scripture contradict this statement? Why did some still not believe that Jesus was the Messiah?
  7. What did the centurion and the widow have in common from these two sections of scripture? How were they different?

Application Questions:

  1. How has God been compassionate towards me?
  2. Imagine the widow’s joy when Jesus reunited her to her living son, what hope and joy can I claim in Jesus now and in the future?