Revelation 15-16 Study Questions


Revelation 15-16 Study Questions

Revelation 15:

  1. What did John see the seven angels possessing and for what purpose?
  2. Where in Revelation have we read about a sea of glass previously, and where was it located?
  3. Read Moses’s song in Exodus 15. What similarities do you see between that song and the song in Revelation 15:3-4?
  4. What is God being praised for in Rev. 15:3-4?
  5. What had John observed in the heavenly temple in Revelation 11:19? What did he observe coming out of the temple in Rev. 15?
  6. What were the seven angels given and by whom in Rev. 15:7?
  7. When the temple was filled with smoke in the Old Testament, what did it signify? (See Ex 19:18, Ex. 40:34-35, 1 Kings 18:10-11:2, 2 Chronicles 5:13-14, Isaiah 6:4, Ezekiel 10:4)

Revelation 16:

  1. Record the 7 bowls of God’s wrath and who each bowl impacted. Compare the judgements of the 7 trumpets and the 7 seals from earlier in Revelation with the judgements of the 7 bowls. What is similar, what is different?
  2. Define “just” or “justice”. What is the difference between justice and fairness?
  3. Considering Rev 16:6. How do we see God’s justice is perfectly measured in this passage?
  4. What do you learn about the people who receive God’s judgement in chapter 16?
  5. What has God done over the course of all time to help people avoid His judgement and wrath?
  6. What does repentance require?
  7. Do you think God takes delight in the death of the wicked? Why or why not? (Read Ez. 18:30-32)
  8. Where else in the Bible have we heard God proclaim “It is done”? (Hint: read John 19)
  9. Why is eternal punishment eternal?
  10. What does it mean to be alert and remained clothed as we expect the second coming of Christ?

Application Questions:

  1. If I were to write a personal song of praise to God, what would be some examples of the words I would use from how I have experienced God in my life?
  2. Are there any parts of my life that I might be resisting God’s call to repent and submit to Him?
  3. How has Jesus equipped me to to be able to be alert and ready for His return? What active part to I play in being prepared for what is to come?
  4. From what scriptures can I find assurance that anyone who truly wants to be with God, will be with Him in the end?