Commands of Jesus

Commands of Jesus

Commands of Jesus: “Do this in remembrance…”

Please turn with me in your Bible to 1 Corinthians 11. These past few weeks we have been looking at a few of the most foundational commands of Christ. We looked at his call to follow him, we looked at his command to be baptized, and today we are going to take a look at his command to remember him, specifically with a ritual meal he gave his followers to observe, which goes by a few names, typically communion, or…

Commands of Jesus: “Baptize them.”

Please open your Bibles to Matthew, chapter 28.  Baptism is one of the most important events and concepts in the Christian faith. Christians have understood baptism in several different ways throughout the centuries. At Stonebrook, we practice “believer’s baptism” as an expression and testimony of our salvation through faith in Christ.   We would say that baptism is a command from Jesus, to be done by all who believe, as soon as possible after they believe. One key scripture on…

Commands of Jesus: “Follow Me”

I grew up going to church.  If you had asked me what is a Christian and if I am a Christian, I would have had a puzzled look. I might have said, “What kind of question is that?  Isn’t it obvious?  Of course I’m a Christian.  I go to church.  A Christian church.  And I’m not a Buddhist or Muslim or something else.  So what else would I be besides a Christian?”  But I couldn’t give you any specifics on that. …