The Myths:
Myth 1: The Bible doesn’t say much about what we are supposed to do on Sunday AM. We can pretty much just make stuff up.
Truth: The bible gives us much clear instruction on our gatherings
Myth 2: Sunday AM is a good, but optional part of the Christian life.
Truth: Sunday AM is a vital, commanded part of the Christian life
Acts 2:42-46 – Devotion to “the fellowship”, all things in common
Hebrews 10:24 – “Don’t neglect meeting together as is the habit of some…”
Myth 3: The music is a good, but optional part of Sunday AM
Truth: All parts of the service work together as a unified whole toward discipleship: building up in the gospel.
Myth 4: It’s all about me
Truth: It’s all about Jesus and his church, including you!
If we are in our comfort zone the entire time (stylistically), others will be excluded (because style preference varies so widely…)
Myth 5: Singing is emotional, preaching is intellectual, serving is functional
Truth: We are to engage our heart, soul, mind, and strength in everything
- The bible gives us clear instruction for our gatherings
- Sunday AM is a vital and commanded part of the christian life
- All parts of the service work together toward discipleship
- Our worship gatherings are about Jesus, and his church, not just you individually
- We are to engage our heart, soul, mind, and strength in everything we do
- Prioritize the gathering. Don’t miss it.
- Engage with it, even when you aren’t “feeling it”
- Lend your gift (voice, presence, service)