Worship Gathered – Why do we do what we do on Sunday AM


The Myths:

Myth 1: The Bible doesn’t say much about what we are supposed to do on Sunday AM. We can pretty much just make stuff up.

Truth: The bible gives us much clear instruction on our gatherings

Myth 2: Sunday AM is a good, but optional part of the Christian life.

Truth: Sunday AM is a vital, commanded part of the Christian life

Acts 2:42-46 – Devotion to “the fellowship”, all things in common

Hebrews 10:24 – “Don’t neglect meeting together as is the habit of some…”

Myth 3: The music is a good, but optional part of Sunday AM

Truth: All parts of the service work together as a unified whole toward discipleship: building up in the gospel.

Myth 4: It’s all about me

Truth: It’s all about Jesus and his church, including you!

If we are in our comfort zone the entire time (stylistically), others will be excluded (because style preference varies so widely…)

Myth 5: Singing is emotional, preaching is intellectual, serving is functional

Truth: We are to engage our heart, soul, mind, and strength in everything


  1. The bible gives us clear instruction for our gatherings
  2. Sunday AM is a vital and commanded part of the christian life
  3. All parts of the service work together toward discipleship
  4. Our worship gatherings are about Jesus, and his church, not just you individually
  5. We are to engage our heart, soul, mind, and strength in everything we do


  • Prioritize the gathering. Don’t miss it.
  • Engage with it, even when you aren’t “feeling it”
  • Lend your gift (voice, presence, service)