Luke 8:40-56 Study Questions

Luke 8:40-56 Study Questions

Luke 8:40-56 Study Questions

  1. Compare the crowd waiting for Jesus to return to the crowd Jesus just left behind in Gerasenes. How does this reflect how people react to and receive Jesus today?
  2. Compare and contrast how Jairus approached Jesus to the way the Centurion approached Jesus in the beginning of Luke chapter 7.  What was similar and what was different between the two scenarios?
  3. Who touched Jesus on the way to Jairus’s house and why?
  4. Compare the similarities and differences of Jairus and the woman in this story.  What does this teach us about people and about Jesus?
  5. What happened when the woman touched Jesus and why would this be attempted so discreetly?
  6. What was Jesus’s reaction to the power that had gone out from him and why was it important enough for Jesus to stop and acknowledge it? 
  7. Why did Jesus commend this woman’s faith?
  8. How does faith in Jesus bring healing even today and in what ways?
  9. What news was brought to Jesus as he was speaking to the woman?
  10. In vs 50 Jesus gives Jairus a command of sorts.  How does belief help combat fear?
  11. Jesus said “do not weep for she is not dead but sleeping”. Why was laughter the response and what does this say about their belief in Jesus’s power and authority?
  12. How did Jesus turn weeping into great joy in this situation, and how does he do the same even today?

Application Questions

  1. Is Jesus my first resort or last in dealing with the hard things of life and why?
  2. How does confessing my personal faults or struggles to Christ draw me closer to the assurance and comfort of Christ? 
  3. How can publicly acknowledging my own personal need for God be used by him as a way to draw others to himself?
  4. Where do I struggle to believe in the authority and power that Jesus has in my life and others? 
  5. How has Jesus patiently and lovingly helped me to grow in faith in him?