Hebrews 8 Bible Study Questions

Hebrews 8 Bible Study Questions

Hebrew 8 Bible Study Questions

  1. What is the main point of the author of Hebrews is making in 8:1-2?
  2. Why was it significant that Jesus “sat down” at the right hand of the throne?
  3. According to verse 3, for what was every high priest appointed?
  4. What do the offerings of the priestly gifts and the careful pattern of the earthly tabernacle  shadowing?
  5. How was the old covenant different from the new covenant?  How were they both given for the good of the people?
  6. What does the pronouncement of a new covenant mean for the old covenant?
  7. The new covenant of grace brings with it freedom from the Law of Moses, but what does it not bring freedom from? (For help consider Romans 8:1-4, 1 Timothy 1:5-11, Galatians 3:10-29)
  8. What are the better promises of a new covenant?
  9. What does it mean that God remembers our sins no more?


  1. The Jewish temple and tabernacle were copies of the true heavenly tabernacle and served a good purpose.  Are there any areas in my life that I am clinging to a copy of the truth rather than the truth itself? 
  2. Where might I still revert to living in the law rather than in grace?
  3. How has God’s grace changed my desires and heart attitude?
  4. How has God forgiven me and how does this enable me to forgive others? 
  5. Is there anyone I’m still holding something against and as a result are treating them differently than God would have me treat them?  If yes, now what?  How are grace and forgiveness applied?