Sermons from 2016

Sermons from 2016

The Rock of Offense

Introduction Reformation Sunday [Sola Gratia, Sola Fide] Review Romans 9:19-23 Isaiah 29:13-16 And the Lord said:  “Because this people draw near with their mouth  and honor me with their lips,  while their hearts are far from me,  and their fear of me is a commandment taught by men,  therefore, behold, I will again  do wonderful things with this people,  with wonder upon wonder;  and the wisdom of their wise men shall perish,  and the discernment of their discerning men shall…

The Justice and Mercy of God

I hope you were able to catch Dave’s sermon last week. If you missed it, I highly recommend that you give it a listen on our Web site. Dave laid out a very very helpful overview of what is going on with Romans 9. I am excited to continue that discussion today.  As Dave mentioned, Romans 9-11 are perhaps some of the most intimidating, and contested passages in the entire Bible. I thought it was amazing that in a 40…

What is the Gospel?

INTRO Pop quiz time! 🙂 Take a minute and write out a summary of the Gospel message. Don’t worry, there will be no grades. I’m not going to ask you to share with anyone. And just to defuse any of you who are more like me, I can imagine myself in your seat, with Brad or Paul asking us to do this, and being a little grumpy and eye-roll-ish about it. So lets just get that out of the way.…

This Body of Death

Dave did an excellent job of reviewing Romans 1 through 6, so I suggest that you go back and review his message on the Web site.  This week we will be back in chapter seven, so if you would open your Bibles with me and turn there, page _____________ in the house bibles if you don’t have one with you.  I also wanted to mention that in a few weeks here, we are planning on spending a Sunday morning with…

The Weight of Worship

What we are trying to do here We are starting off the semester with a few weeks on the topic of stewardship. Last week, Paul spoke about stewarding money (with a very nice title “The Worth of Wealth”.) This week I’d like to talk about stewarding our spiritual disciplines, with a focus on our various gatherings. I’d like to talk about “The Weight of Worship.” So Paul and I are looking at Brad for next week and wondering what his…